
Holistic Birth Support Package

Julie Marchetti Maternity Relfexology (2).jpg

For new maternity clients – from 32 weeks onward. 

Additional treatment sessions can be purchased separately.

The final few weeks of pregnancy can feel like they last forever.  Some women will be struggling with great discomfort and long for the pregnancy to be over.  Others may still be blossoming during this final stage yet have a yearning to meet their baby and not be pregnant anymore.

During the final stages of your third trimester, your body will begin to decrease some hormones and increase the hormones of birthing.  Undertaking regular maternity reflexology sessions will help you cope with the rapid changes that are beginning to occur as your body prepares for the birthing process.   Maternity Reflexology during these final weeks is a natural non-invasive treatment that prepares mother and baby for the journey of birth.

My Holistic Birthing Preparation Support Package offers support during those final weeks of pregnancy gently encouraging you to nurture your wellbeing with a program of treatments tailored to you and your needs.   

What to expect in a session?

  • We will spend some time undertaking a client assessment to see how you are feeling and to assess for any contra-indications.

  • On to the bed to rest and relax whilst receiving your treatment.  It is during these important treatment sessions that a gentle form of communication between mum and baby’s body systems will occur promoting the release of your birthing hormones.

  • Hot towel foot treatment at the conclusion of your session to soothe and revitalize tired pregnancy feet.

What is included in this package?

Session 1 – approx. 34 weeks

Picture yourself reclined on my supportive treatment bed, having your feet lovingly treated as you deeply relax, connect with your baby, release tension held in your body and take some much-deserved time just for you.

The emphasis of medical based care during pregnancy tends to be primarily on the physical aspects of your body and it can feel like your feelings and emotions can sometimes ignored.  Allow this time of your reflexology treatment to receive valuable emotional support during this momentous time in your life.

Session 2 – approx. 36 weeks

During this session we begin preparing your mind, your body, and your soul to be ready to birth your baby.  Alternatively, this session can be tailored to your birth support person if this resonates with you - ** see below.

** As part of my offerings to the new little family to be, I offer the opportunity for your birthing partner to come to this week’s session.  The ideal time for this service in during week 36 as it will give your support person ample time to practise their newly learnt skills on mum at home before they are being used to support you during your birth. 

This hands-on session by your birth support person is devoted to learning how to conduct simple reflexology routines to support you in the leadup to your birth and during your labour if mum-to-be wants them.  Allowing dads (or whoever your support person is) to have a set of tools they can use is so empowering for both the birthing mum and her support person.

Session 3 - 38 weeks

During this session we spend time with preparation of labour treatments known as Reflexology Labour Priming.  Reflexology Labour Priming is a natural non-invasive treatment that prepares mother and baby for birth. 

We allow an additional 30 mins for this session (90 mins) to ensure optimum time for mum to receive a labour priming reflexology treatment whilst still having time to learn hands on priming guidelines to complete at home until she goes into labour thereby rounding out her birth preparation window.

 Reflexology Labour Priming can safely* be done on women who are 37 weeks or more, or earlier with your Obstetricians knowledge (in cases of twins or gestational diabetes etc).

Additional Reflexology Labour Priming sessions can be undertaken multiple times per week at mother’s discretion until natural labour begins. Reflexology Labour Priming can be done weekly or multiple times per week at mother’s discretion until natural labour begins.

Reflexology Labour Priming is NOT the same as the chemical interventions of Labour Induction. RLP does not force start labour and will not guarantee a baby in arms within a certain time frame. RLP acts the same way as Acupuncture for Labour Priming, which makes it an ideal option for those who may have an aversion or anxiety around needles. When used appropriately, Maternity Reflexology and Reflexology Labour Priming reduce pain, duration, and interventions of birth.  If by chance, you have not completed your sessions, then you can utilise any remaining sessions post birth to support both you and bub.

Package Investment: $405

(1) VALIANI M ET ALL (2010) Reviewing the effect of Reflexology on pain and outcomes of the labour and primiparous women. Iranian Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Research. 15(Dec) p302-310

(2) Dilation M ET AL (2011) The effects of Reflexology on Pain Intensity and Duration of Labour on Primiparas. Iran Red Crescent Medical Journal. 13(7) p478-479
(3) LI C-Y ET ALL (2011) Randomised controlled trial of the effectiveness of using foot reflexology to improve quality of sleep amongst post-partum women, Midwifery. 27. p181-186
(4) TIRAN D, CHUMMUN H (2004) Complementary therapies to reduce physiological stress in Pregnancy. Complementary Therapies in Nursing and Midwifery, 10. P162-167 Available online at www,

Clinic Open by Appointment Only

Monday - Thursday 9am - 5pm