


inclusive of

perimenopause and menopause

Are you experiencing irregular cycles and would like to track your cycles to gain further understanding?

Perhaps you are thinking about conceiving sometime in the future and you want to learn your cycle so if, and when you choose to conceive, you are aware of your fertile window.

Are you experiencing and/or have been diagnosed with a gynaecological condition such as painful periods, PMS symptoms, PCOS or endometriosis?

Are you tired of suffering with your crazy emotional roller-coaster every month and want to know what else you can do?

Maybe you are wanting to learn how to adopt a more natural fertility awareness method to use for contraceptive purposes?

Understanding your hormones and menstrual cycle is imperative to improving your reproductive health.  Clinical and Hormone Reflexology aims to support you with education as well as physical hands on reflexology targeted to alleviate your areas of concern, whatever they may be.   

How I can help you and your hormones

Utilising my Hormone Reflexology skill set, I can assist you to:

  • Regulate your menstrual cycle

  • Stimulate ovulation by working the reflexes associated with the reproductive system

  • Assist to balance hormones by working the endocrine system

  • Assist your body with the removal of toxins by working on the liver and small intestine reflexes

  • Assist with painful periods

  • Relieve the symptoms of common hormonal conditions

  • Give you a well-deserved break from the worry and stress of understanding your cycle

Our bodies are not the enemy, and neither are our periods….and period pain is just another way for us to listen to what our body is trying to tell us.  If your body is continuing to show you discomfort month after month, it may be worth questioning whether there is an imbalance in your reproductive health.  

During your menstrual cycle, your oestrogen and progesterone levels rise and fall in a consistent pattern during each monthly bleed. 

As you progress through the later stages of your reproductive life, your hormone levels will decline, and you begin the transition into perimenopause.  This usually begins during your mid-to-late 40’s, although it can start earlier.  It is during this time; your ovaries begin to produce less oestrogen resulting in unpredictable cycle lengths and bleeding intensity.  Additionally, during the perimenopausal change, you may experience symptoms of hot flushes, headaches, breast tenderness or loss of libido. 

I offer nurturing, holistic support for women struggling with their menstrual, hormonal, reproductive or peri-menopause well-being. 

My mentoring services include a comprehensive consultation, menstrual health education and referrals/supportive information. If you choose to work with me, I will work with you to closely to chart and understand your cycle then respond to and support it with various self-care practises including hand reflexology tuition.

My treatments will be tailored to you and your needs.  Any given treatment will always aim to:

  • Promote relaxation and reduce stress levels to support hormone health

  • Increase blood flow and circulation

  • Improve energy flow throughout your body

  • Positively increase lymphatic flow encouraging the release of toxins from your body.

I offer in person and online consults which include:

  • An introduction to Basal Body Temperature (BBT) Charting, Cervical Mucus tracking and key ovulation indicators tracking

  • Hand reflexology tuition to support your menstrual cycle

  • Daily menstrual cycle reviews if required

  • Lifestyle coaching to support hormonal health

  • Mindfulness techniques and exercises to support holistic health.

  • Ongoing supporting information

Peri-Menopause & Menopause Support


During her life, a woman experiences many hormone fluctuations that affect her fertility.  Menopause is sometimes called “the change of life” as it marks the end of a woman’s reproductive life.  During menopause, ovulation no longer occurs, and production of hormones, oestrogen and progesterone decrease and eventually cease.   

Ovarian hormone levels do not usually decrease overnight, instead, a woman enters a phase of her reproductive life known as perimenopause (the menopausal transition). As all women are different, there is no way to predict the age at which a woman’s menopausal symptoms will start or how long they will last.

During perimenopause, the body reduces the amount of oestrogen produced and egg release becomes sporadic.  Eventually when eggs are no longer released from the ovaries, menstrual bleeding will cease.    

Perimenopause usually occurs 3 – 4 years before a woman enters menopause, however it may begin as early as 10 years before. The symptoms of perimenopause may continue into menopause and post menopause, often becoming more pronounced.

During menopause and the post-menopausal stage, the ovaries have now stopped releasing eggs and oestrogen production slows down considerably.   Medically, menopause is defined as the day when a woman has not had a period for 12 consecutive months.  This event typically occurs at about 51 years of age.

From this point on, a woman is now in the stage called post menopause.  Many women may now experience an increase in symptoms associated with reduced oestrogen production. As the body begins to adjust to the decreased hormone levels, symptoms may worsen.  Reaching out for medical or complementary support during this time is particularly important.


While hormone levels begin to fluctuate naturally during perimenopause, a woman is unlikely to have symptoms related to a loss of oestrogen.  Instead a woman in perimenopause will usually have regular or semi-regular periods, still be fertile but may experience symptoms such as:

  • Menstrual cramps

  • Mood swings

  • Nausea

  • Anxiety or irritability

  • Bloating

  • Breast tenderness

As a woman progresses through to post menopause, she may notice a decline in hormone levels which may lead to the first noticeable symptoms of:

  • Night sweats

  • Hair loss or thinning

  • Hot flashes/flushes or sudden, overwhelming sense of heat

  • Insomnia

  • Sudden unexplained mood swings

  • Trouble concentrating

  • Urinary urgency

  • Vaginal dryness

  • Weight gain

  • Increase in PMS symptoms

Managing symptoms during perimenopause involves finding ways to manage and support your menstrual cycles to regulate them to their new normal. During the menopausal transition, menstrual cycles may vary in length and Reproductive Reflexology aims to support hormonal health by promoting relaxation and stress reduction.


Women may experience physical and emotional changes during menopause but that does not mean life as taken a turn for the worse! Many women are prompted at this time to assess their lives and set new goals. Menopause occurs at a time where women’s lives may additionally be influenced by the stress of juggling multiple roles as mothers of teenagers, carers of elderly parents or working fulltime. Health professionals suggest that creating some “me time” is important to maintain life balance.

Menopause can be a new beginning: it is a good time to assess lifestyle, health and to make a commitment to strive for continuing “wellness” into the mature years of your life.

I offer nurturing, holistic support for women struggling with their menopausal transition. 

My mentoring services include a comprehensive consultation, menstrual health education and referrals/supportive information.  If you choose to work with me, I will support you to chart and understand your cycle, with the additional option of teaching self-care practises such as hand reflexology techniques that you can complete at home.

My treatments will be tailored to you and your needs.  Any given treatment will always aim to:

  • Promote relaxation and reduce stress levels to support hormone health

  •  Increase blood flow and circulation

  • Improve energy flow throughout your body    

  • Positively increase lymphatic flow encouraging the release of toxins from your body

I offer in person and online consults which include:

  • Hand reflexology tuition to support your menstrual cycle

  • Lifestyle coaching to support hormonal health

  • Mindfulness techniques and exercises to support holistic health

  • Ongoing supporting information

Utilising my reproductive reflexology skill set, I can assist you to:

  • Regulate your menstrual cycle

  • Stimulate ovulation (for as long as possible) by working the reflexes associated with the reproductive system

  • Balance hormones by working the endocrine system

  • Assist your body with the removal of toxins by working on the liver and small intestine reflexes

  • Assist with painful periods

  • Give you a well-deserved break from the worry and stress of understanding your cycle

If you would like to learn more about the Women’s Hormone/Perimenopause/Menopause Support program to discuss whether it would be right for you, let us set up a free 15 minute phone consultation.

Clinic Open by Appointment Only

Monday - Thursday 9am - 5pm