
MATERNITY & Post Natal Support


Please note:  Maternity Reflexology is a wonderful complimentary health support therapy and is not a substitute for medical or obstetric care.  Maternity Reflexology is complementary to the primary care of your midwife or obstetrician.

Pregnancy is a wonderful time in a women’s life and many women adjust perfectly to the hormonal changes that are taking place.  However, there are others who find the physical and emotional effects of these hormonal changes create stress in their life.  From the early stages of morning sickness to birth, reflexology can help with the physical, mental and emotional changes that you may be experience.  Maternity Reflexology is a safe and practical therapy for pregnant women and it is also one of the most relaxing therapies you can choose to have during pregnancy.  It is excellent in maintaining a balance during the rapidly changing balance of pregnancy.  Reflexology sessions increase relaxation, energise and balance, aiding a healthier pregnancy creating the best conditions possible for your baby to grow and develop.



  • Balancing hormones which is helpful for nausea and vomiting

  • Headaches

  • Pain and discomfort

  • Lack of sleep

  • Fatigue and energy levels

  • Poor circulation

  • Stress and anxiety

  • Constipation and digestive issues

  • Fluid retention – swollen feet and ankles



As we closely follow the protocols of your primary care providers, a general guide would be as below however, this can be adapted to meet your specific needs.

  • Monthly sessions up to 28 weeks

  • Fortnightly sessions up to 36 weeks

  • Weekly sessions up to 40 weeks

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Reflexology can not and will not cause a miscarriage.  A large percentage of early miscarriages are due to chromosomal abnormalities in the foetus.  If there is a risk of foetal loss due to other causes, such as habitual miscarriage, reflexology can balance your hormones and stress levels providing optimal conditions for a successful continuation of the pregnancy.  

Reflexology is a natural therapy and can not and will not do something unnatural and as such will not trigger an early labour.  



The days leading up to the birth can be quite stressful, especially if you go over your due date.  So the most important benefit during this time is to allow you to be as calm and relaxed as possible. At 37 weeks, labour primers can be undertaken to stimulate conditions in the body that occur before labour allowing your body to begin the process of delivering your baby.

I have been fortunate to train as a Maternity Reflexologist with a highly experienced Doctor of Midwifery who also holds a Diploma in Reflexology.  Labour priming is a method by which specific reflex points are strongly stimulated with the intention of creating a boost of energy to encourage the onset of labour contractions.  Many women who are post term and have no other medical issues respond well.  Multiple treatments may be required however as with any labour priming method, there are no guarantees as our bodies will always have the final say on the time to birth.

If you have not had reflexology throughout your pregnancy and are in your third trimester it is advisable to have at least two full reflexology sessions before your due date if you are considering labour priming.

PLEASE NOTE: labour priming services are only available to existing clients who have reached full term and have attended at least 2 reflexology sessions during their pregnancy.

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Post natal reflexology is an excellent way to help a new mum get back on her feet.  Once your baby is born, your body still has many changes to deal with.

Some of the conditions post natal reflexology can assist with are:

  • Balancing and restoring the new mums hormone levels

  • General physical and emotional well being

  • Energy loss and tiredness due to lack of sleep

  • Valuable asset for lactation – aiding milk flow

  • Mastitis (blocked breast milk ducts)

  • Assisting in the prevention of Post Natal Depression

  • Stress, tiredness and exhaustion

  • Encourages quicker healing after surgical intervention

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I can offer post natal mobile visits to your home in which you can breast feed your baby or sleep through the treatment and have your baby by your side.  Alternatively, lots of new mums bring their babies with them to my practice and are able to attend to their baby’s needs whilst enjoying their treatment.

Maternity Reflexology is a fantastic gift voucher idea for new mums to be as they can choose to use their voucher when they feel they would receive the most benefit.

Clinic Open by Appointment Only

Monday - Thursday 9am - 5pm